2024 Levy Lid Lift Information
Clallam 2 Fire-Rescue will be placing a Levy Lid Lift on the November 5th, 2024 General Election ballot. More information on can be found by following the link to the right.
This Levy is critical in order to sustain our current level of services and keep the firefighters and EMT/paramedics we currentlly have. It is also essential to fund all our operations because 82% of all funding for the Fire District comes from the regular Fire Levy. It pays for all fire and EMS services the community enjoys.
Proposition 1 asks voters to set Clallam 2 Fire-Rescue's Fire Levy at a rate of $1.50.
The current rate is $0.96 per 1,000 of assesed value so Proposition #1 is asking for a increase of $0.54.
Due to the 1% levy limitations, inflation, and the growth of our community, Fire District operational expenses are outpacing revenues. Additionally, heightened demand has impacted your emergency response, potentially delaying lifesaving medical treatment and emergency transport.
If rejected, your fire and emergency services face a projected revenue shortfall. This scenario could require us to either consider another attempt at voter approval for restoring the fire levy increase or consider reductions in services and staffing.
A simple majority of yes votes is required to pass Proposition 1.
No, the regular levy has been in place since the formation of the Fire District. Voters approve at what level the levy is funded. In 2020 voters approved a levy rate of $1.36 per $1,000 of assessed property value.
State law limits the yearly growth in the Fire District's total property tax revenue collection to a maximum of 1% over the amount collected in the prior year, plus the value of new construction. As property values have risen, the rate of the Regular Fire Levy has dropped.
Currently the Fire District regular levy is at $0.96 per $1,000 of assessed value. Proposition 1 seeks a $0.54 increase to raise that up to $1.50 per $1,000
In 2024 the Fire District has an operational budget of $2,542,100.
The primary source of funding comes from our fire levy which accounts for 82% of all revenue recieved. An additional 13% coms from EMS ambulance transport billing. This accounts for 95% of all revenue the Fire District recieves in a year. Other sources include grants, timber tax revenue, and donations which makes up the remaining 5% of our annual budget.
The Fire District recieves no regular funding from Clallam County, the State of Washington, or Federal government except for occational grant opportunites.
100% of all revenue collected from the Levy go directly to the Fire District to fund the fire and EMS services you recieve.
No other agency recieves or can use the money from the Levy. It does not fund any other services or programs outside the Fire District and all of it goes towards sustain service levels and operations at your Fire District.
This funding pays for all personnel, equipment, facilities, vehicles, supplies, etc.
Yes. Those who qualify for property tax discounts (under RCW 84.36.381 through 84.36.389) will continue to be eligible for those discounts under this measure.
Full-time Staff
1- Fire Chief
1- Deputy Fire Chief (Currently Vacant)
1- Administrative Specialist
1- Volunteer Training Coordinator
2- Captain/Paramedics
1- Captain/EMT
2- Firefighter/Paramedics
4- Firefighter EMTs
Approximatley 35 firefighters and EMTs
Fire Station 21 Gales Addition- Staffed 24/7 by 2 personnel (one a paramedic) and volunteers
Fire Station 22 Dry Creek - Staffed by 2 personnel Monday-Thursday 7 AM - 6PM and voluneers
Fire Station 23 - Black Diamond- Staffed by volunteers
Fire Station 25- Deer Park - Staffed by volunteers

Structural Fire Protection

Wildland Fire Protection

EMS Advanced Life Support and Basic Life Support Treatment and Ambulance Transport

Technical Rescue (Rope/High Angle, Swift-Water, Backcountry)
As well as;
- Fire Prevention and Education
- CPR First Aid Classes
- Pre-incident/Emergency Preparedness